Improved Tokopedia's product catalog with thorough details and specs, empowering buyers to make informed decisions.




Product Designer


Mobile App


3 Months



At Tokopedia, we know that detailed product information is crucial for our users. Unfortunately, sellers don't always provide this information on their product pages, making it hard for users to find what they need. To help with this, we added a catalog feature last year that includes all the necessary product specifications. However, the previous catalog page had to be temporarily removed due to several reasons, the main two being:

"The Catalog feature on Tokopedia was intended to make it easier for users to find the TV they are looking for, but it has not been effectively implemented and users still have to search through a variety of unrelated items in the TV category."

William Tanuwijaya, CEO of Tokopedia

Previous Catalog

Previous Catalog


To improve the catalog page, we need to learn from past mistakes and adapt to the current situation. Our goal is to provide potential customers with the information they need to make informed buying decisions.

Discover & Define

To address these issues, we must first understand how users seek information about the product. To do so, we conducted in-depth interviews and surveys with the assistance of our researcher. We asked users about their perspectives on their online and offline shopping experiences in order to gain a better understanding. The insights we gained were enlightening, revealing a number of interesting trends and patterns in consumer behavior.

Why online shopping?

Online shopping is more cost and time effective, as it provides a broader range of options, such as product brand, type, and variant in one channel, especially for gadgets, fashion, and mobile phones and tablets.